The Desktop App is used to install Warcraft III (Classic or Reforged).

What is the best way to obtain Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos? There you will find the game key associated with Warcraft III, and a link to download the game client. To find your key, click Games & Subscriptions and scroll down to the Classic Games section. What is the location of my Warcraft 3 CD key? Read more in detail here: warcraft 3 cd key free. If this is the case, then you can find a free warcraft 3 cd key at any of these websites. If you are looking for your Warcraft 3 CD key, it is possible that you have lost it. But what if there was an easier way to find your warcraft 3 CD key? Having a spare key could save you hundreds or thousands in eBay auctions. (Actually, copying the files is enough for playing, but then you'd have problems with and updates.With the advent of digital marketplaces, physical copies have become scarce and valuable. But as long as we copy all the files and all the registry entries, it will all be ok. Notice that we did not find the CD key here? That's because the key is not stored in registry, but in one of the packed files (encrypted too, if I remember correctly). Play the game, grow tired of it, come back to NS.

Load those two registry files into registry by doubleclicking on them. Transfer the two registry files saved in the steps above. Transfer ALL your War3 files from the old computer to the exact same location on the new computer (This is important if you want that automatic update to operate without problem). (Do this for both HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard\WarCraft III and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Blizzard\WarCraft III) Select tht WarCraft III key, choose Registry -> Export in the menu, and choose a name for the file. Find your way to the War3 keys (probably under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard\WarCraft III and/or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Blizzard\WarCraft III (I'm not sure of the exact location here, don't got WC3 installed on this computer)). Open regedit (Start -> Run -> type "regedit")