As Sub-Zero's name, clothes, and powers would suggest, his character was icy and distant. Before becoming a wraith, he was once (Bi-Han) The Original Sub-Zero, an assassin among the most powerful of Lin Kuei. Reincarnated in the darkest of all realms, the Netherrealm, Noob Saibot is the very incarnation of evil. In one form or another, Noob Saibot has appeared in every generation of Mortal Kombat games as a playable character. He first appeared as Noob Saibot as a secret character in Mortal Kombat II, first becoming playable in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, and was once again a secret character in Mortal Kombat 4. He is one of the few original characters, debuting in the original Mortal Kombat arcade game as Sub-Zero, older brother of the current, younger Sub-Zero. Noob Saibot, once known as Bi-Han (璧漢 or 避寒) and the original Sub-Zero, was a Lin Kuei assassin turned wraith from the Mortal Kombat fighting games series. Noob Saibot's Battle Cry in Mortal Kombat (2011) Pictures are from the Mortal Kombat Wiki, the picture over for the wiki entry is from this YouTube video, at the very beginning.